Designed for the most demanding environments: busy schools, shops and residential buildings, Practical and versatile, its been engineered to achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and service life.

Aritco PublicLift Access
- Design, sizes and options tailored for public environments
- ’A’ rated energy consumption according to VDI4707 95% recyclable materials
- Environmental classification by the Swedish Sunda Hus organization
Patented screw/nut technology (no oil that can leak) - The lowest maintenance and operating costs on the market

- Design, sizes and options tailored for public environments
- ’A’ rated energy consumption according to VDI4707 95% recyclable materials
- Environmental classification by the Swedish Sunda Hus organization
Patented screw/nut technology (no oil that can leak) - The lowest maintenance and operating costs on the market

EXPLORE THE Aritco PublicLift Access

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